Trujillo 2015.- The National Contact Point of the OECD in Peru, located in PROINVERSIÓN brought together important companies in Trujillo City (La Libertad) mainly from the Mine and Energy sector, disseminating the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guiding Principles related to the business sector role to consolidate the positive investment climate in the country.

During the event organized with the support of La Libertad Chamber of Commerce and Production as well as the Regional Government of the aforementioned department, the investment specialist of the ProInversión Investor Service Division, Nancy Bojanich García, representing the National Contact Point, stated that the institution disseminates these Guidelines in the context of Peru’s commitment, since 2008, to join the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. Under this accession framework, it was approved that the National Contact Point will be located in ProInversión.

The Governor of the Regional Government of La Libertad, Luis Valdez Farías and the President of the Energy, Mines and Hydrocarbons Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Production of La Libertad, Juan Carlos Zaplana Luna Victoria also attended the event and made valuable contributions.

The Regional Government of La Libertad was happy to join these share value initiatives between the private and public sector and to promote good practices of corporate social responsibility in the enterprises located in La Libertad.

On the other hand, the President of the Trade Committee of Energy, Mines and Hydrocarbons Chamber of the Commerce and Production of La Libertad congratulated the National Contact Point for this this event and for generating an appropriate dialogue about OECD Guidelines aspects. She also highlighted the importance of the private sector which is aligned to the progress of the Country Program.

The event was closed by Isabel Mendoza Roncal, Investment Specialist of ProInversión Investor Services Division.

A video was broadcasted during the event, called “Peru towards OECD”, which shows investors the Country Program 2015-2016 undersigned by the Peruvian Government with the OECD.

Video: «Perú towards OCDE»